Sales Automation System

The Sales Automation System project aims to develop a comprehensive software solution that automates sales processes, improves efficiency, and enhances customer relationship management.

event Start

Aug 23, 2023

flag Due Date

Sep 23, 2023

payments Budget


person Owner

Ari Budin

Assign to

Attachments (4)

image Photos.jpg
code Landing-page.html
picture_as_pdf New_Project.pdf

Comments (8)

Total Task (18/24)


Project Activities

  • Conduct Stakeholder Interviews

    Schedule and conduct interviews with key stakeholders to gather requirements and understand their needs

  • Create System Wireframes

    Design the user interface wireframes to visualize the system's layout and functionality

  • Develop Database Schema

    Design and develop the database schema to store and manage sales-related data

  • Implement User Authentication

    Develop user authentication functionality to ensure secure access to the system

  • Build Dashboard Module

    Develop a dashboard module to provide an overview of sales performance and key metrics